Me goes by named of Sarah Hernyzar binti Abdul Rahman. I am so messy, kiut and cOmOt sikit-sikit [dunt care actually comot ke apa ke as long as I'm the prettiest gurl in his (my bintang) life ~ hoho sound snobbish aite ! do i care... no no no !] ~ "Blessed with a tall, curvy figure, long legs, long & lustrous hair and very recognisable pouty lips" ---> I wish but hell no!!!! I'm just a simple and ordinary malay girl who likes to hang out with family and friends. I wanna look sexy but it doesnt mean I want my breasts hanging out. I love fashion and it doesn't mean I can wear short skirt or spagetti strips. For me t-shirt and jeans suit me well. all I can say bout' myself... I am very comot, don't have pretty face, don't have a drop-dead-gorgeous body, don't have lotsa' money [i am Malaysian Next Top MILLIONAIRE ~ so ?], don't have a great job, don't have a fancy car, don't wear expensive clothes, don't wear bling-bling accessories, don't wear make-ups, don't wear shoes that will cost me a bomb, I'm not friendly and I'm not kind at all!!!! FULL-STOP. would like to have some more ?

♠ unexpected system useless ~ u.s.u ♠
♠ outgoing personality ♠
♠ forgiving but never forgets ♠
♠ loves to be loved ♠
♠ takes risks ♠
♠ feeds on attention ♠
♠ loud and boisterous ♠
♠ VERY revengeful ♠
♥ easy to get along with and talk to ♥
♥ in need of "that someone" ♥
♥ stubborn ♥
♥ curious ♥
♥ mysterious ♥
♥ hates not being trusted ♥
♥ easily distracted ♥
♥ independent.playful ♥
♣ "every thing's peachy" ♣
♣ rebellious when withheld or restricted ♣
♣ lives by "no pain no gain" caring ♣
♣ longs for freedom ♣
♣ likes talking and singing ♣
♣ "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone ♣

who i like to meet??? gorgeous and handsome people only. haha ~ naa,i'm just kidding. of course i wanna meet new people with interesting personality (^_^)V