this is my superb BIG online contest. why ? This is because the competition is organized by two BIG organizations which is CST Production and Lynda Rahim Kuala Lumpur (LRKL). you know them ? of course you usually hear these two great names. right ? haaaa.. dont be suprised~!!!!
CST Production - siapa x kenal mereka. yang sekarang semakin hot mempromosi hasil kerja mereka.owh sangat melting.. know what ? dorang ni la yang buat video untuk Elyana bersama hubbynya. owh my... i want i want i want WIN this contest. mana la tau murah rezeki. weeee~! save bajet kan. Ya Allah kabulkanlah doaku ini. Amin. semoga Dia mendengar. (^_^)
Lynda Rahim Kuala Lumpur - kenal Datin Lynda Rahim ? terkenal dengan kreativiti beliau dalam menghasilkan sesuatu busana pengantin. aku tersangat la jatuh cinta dengan hasil kerja tangan beliau. jom tgk 1.nak tg lebih lebih boleh klik kat link yang aku bagi. ini yang paling aku JATUH CINTA.. owh aku sedang verangan....
picture credit to Lynda Rahim Kuala Lumpur
kata nak tunjuk 1 aku bagi 3 kat kau. hahaha. "Datin tumpang tayang baju datin yang buat saya melting.... TQ. XOXO" santekkan ? mmg sangat santek... oke la. enuf with the mukadimah. kalau aku dah start menaip mula la aku start merapu. jom layan aku nye wedding dreams... the dreams that inspired me to make it reality... wish me luck.. TQ XOXO~!
*The story is begin......... please stay back.......
My Dreams Wedding... is like a Vintage 60's Retro Wedding. With an elegant vintage chestnut bun hairstyle inspired, polaroid instant photo guest books, the Honor of my presence is... Retro Wedding Invitations, my retro bridal ware with vintage fabric and old patterns... polka dot is my favorite for ever and ever... Owh no...I was like a fairy that flies in the sky... *i love day dreaming so much* oke enough said... HOHO~! back to reality Sara. HEHE~!
- polaroid instant photo guest books - Capture every moment of my wedding day with Polaroid instant pictures and hand-written sentiments from my honorable guests! In my thought, Polaroid cameras and photos are definitely retro, and they're making a 'new age'come back because unlike digital or 35mm photos, the Polaroids develop instantly. When they're combined with notes from all my honorable friends and family the instant photo guest book becomes a momento filled with memories that will last forever! coupled with a photo booth that enrich vintage style. owh really wonderful if it can be done on my big day.
♥ Floral Dot designated Retro's ♥
♥ Stripy Stripes Hippies for Invitations ♥
- Retro Wedding Invitations - I did design my wedding card with my own ideas plus minus copy and paste here and there to make it like what i want. a plenty reference wedding card favor to make it as like what i wish to be. For my 60s-style invitations, I use paper stock in the pastel colors that were popular then or go all-out and have tie dyed invitations! HAHA~! crazy thinker aite. but if any vendor can make it and i really appreciate it. Oh! I really wish.. HAHA~! any vendor out there dare to do my 60's Invitation Retro Card ? I did think about including flowers in the design as well OR less or no polka dot. Since i really in love with polka dot design it can be so vintage. hmm... and these can be printed on the invitation itself or.... what do you think about adding some dried wildflowers inside the invitation envelope? share to care my dear.. keskeskes~!
♥ the lovely retro hairdo ♥
♥ elegant vintage chestnut bun hairstyle inspired ♥
- Part of Dressing... Retro Bridal Wear with vintage fabric and old patterns - I don't want to wear a lace dress on my big day. It will cost me a pricey. *and now you can call me cheapscake day dreamer* HAHA~! but i agreed, it will evoke the hippie era nicely. Let me calculate my budget fisrt before i change my mind to have a lace dress. NGEE~! Actually, I which to have a simple dress like and early 60's look, I consider to have like a cocktail dress or Jackie Kennedy-style sheath with a white pillbox hat and a netted veil. And I still think if it suit me well with my "
superb body shape". Owh No!. my Fashion Designer please help me on this. HUHU~ ! In my mind, the flower patches is also seen as a style of the 60s. Length dresses with flower patches can be worn with a simple hair style infused with a large ribbon flower and bridesmaid dresses in pastels or bright floral/polka dot prints. HAHA. *what a mental ideas. it's drive me crazy you know!* .
♥ the most popular favourite candy ♥
♥ Colorful Sweet Candy Bar ♥
- Candy Buffet 60's - Everyone loves candy. Why not for me to serve my guest with a candy buffet at my reception with different kinds of candy representing the 30's, 50's, 60's and 70's also 80's. HAHA~! How to do it ? Need to survey and surfing and searching more. anyone have any ideas to share ? *eh eh cik Sara ni. ni entry utk contest dgn CST mintak minta idea plak. HAHA* By their very nature, candy buffets have a retro feel and bring back childhood memories of visiting the sweet shop for a quarter of Tora and Ding Dang. Do you remember with this two famous candy during our childhood ? So sweet aite. Hurmmm.. and i can put cotton candy also. yeehaa~!
♥ polka dot fever on retro's wedding theme ♥am melting... owhhhh~!
♥ what a beautiful colorful bridesmaid wear ♥
- The Bedazzle - I love bedazzle. I did my research in bedazzle on 60's to have a great great ideas. Here i share something. Love Beads was made popular in the sixties and wore by the dozen they symbolized peace and love. Love beads would make a good gifts for my wedding guests as a way to remember the occasion. How izzit frens ? Any idea for bedazzle love beads ? HEEHAA~! Love beads are great for a hippie style wedding and can be a DIY project or purchase. Si it help me to save my budget instead. HAHA~!
- Last BUT not least... Wedding Bubbles - Bubbles at a wedding that sounds kind of childish.. but instead of using traditional rice and petal of flower why not send the bride and groom off with bubbles. HAHA~! We see it from a different angel. NGEHNGEH~!
Oke this lil girl dah verangan jauh sampai era 60's. Please bring her back to reality world. HAHA~! kidding. jokes. bluerrkk. *dah malu dah ni. merah-merah pipi dah ni* HAHA. You would think i like a immature aite. HAHA. love candy, love bedazzle, love all those thing like a kanak-kanak riang. this is just my wedding dream. A Vintage 60's Retro Wedding. if my wedding planner can make it for me... it so speechless to say a million thank you to make my wedding dream come true. it's sound simple aite but it maybe costs! HUHU.
Dear CST and LyndaRahim Kuala Lumpur, this is my wedding dreams story. since i was child i dream to have like a big bomb gown to wear on my big day (but now simple yet elegant is my choice. haha), with a bubble, with a lots of candy on the table, with vintage pastels colors and with a Carpenter music on-air. birdie, flowerie, polka dot ismy inspiration to have it as my decor. please read with patient because of my grammar error. HAHA. and all the karuts thingy things. i present to you my lovely, sweetiest and cutest wedding dream for you to enjoy!
♥ ini adalah KAMI ♥
mana lah tau kot kot CST and Lynda Rahim nak tgk bakal perantin.
gambar ini ketika majlis pertunangan kami pada 30.Oktober.2010
p dot s: all the pictures is in my wedding preps collection. i got it from the googling. thank you Mr. Google. and all these is just my dream and i dont think so that i will get a gween light from my parents to do all this. just wish me luck to convince them. XOXO~!
With LOVE,

TQ! Diba.... XOXO~! doakan sara oke.. mucho gracias seniorita...
ReplyDeleteawak...nice theme..
ReplyDeletegud luck...ya
hye dear lilsunshine... tq darl... wish me luck k... and you too... lets join us... XOXO~!
ReplyDeletesgt cute la weeding theme nie.. insyaallah, klau niat yg dibuat baik segalanya akan berjlan dgn lancar... chaiyok2 k.ngah !!!!!!!!! i'll always with u...
ReplyDeleteTQ Nurul... doakan angah berjaya oke.. XOXO~!
ReplyDeletesemoga impian perkahwinan ini tercapai..nice..^_^
ReplyDeleteamin ya rabbal alamin... TQ dear.. XOXO~!
ReplyDeleteyou will be the princess on that day dear. Good luck !
ReplyDelete"What's Hot is Gettin' Hotter" by CST & LYNDARAHIM KUALA LUMPUR
skieyn... TQ dear... gud luck to you and you will be beautiful princess on ur big day.. for sure~! XOXO~! wat kertas keja ni tuk convince kn dorg ...hahahha
ReplyDeleteproposal muka surat setebal buku study Phd.. hahaha... haddoi.. tatau la approve ke x.. takot ke ne campak ke longkang je nnt.. hoho~! both of them have their own plan.. caca marba la majlis den.. keskeskes~!
ReplyDeletehai hernyzan...salam berkenalan...i love retro wedding too...why dont you add up some military (airforce) stuffs in your wedding...kapal terbang kertas ke...btw, it looks cute :-)
ReplyDeleteall the best dear!!
ReplyDeletesalam, sangat menarik sis..
ReplyDeletepaling suka part nak buat bubble2.. cute:)
hye leona dearie... thanx for the idea.. boleh juge put some military thingy things since my fiance keje as an army.. hoho..
ReplyDeleteTQ liyana sayang... you too gudluckk.. join us oke..
sniffa... nnt dtg la wedding sis.. main bubble.. hehe~!
hrp2 ade rezeki
ReplyDeletegood luck !!!
p/s : Persahabatan Itu Pemanis Hidup
You really have something, girl. Good luck for this contest.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, congratulations to finding the love of your life :)
i hope you win this! met rosli from cst a couple years ago, he's a riot! hahaha...all the best!
ReplyDeletenasuha: insyaAllah di izin Allah murah rezeki pasti menang punye.. amin....
ReplyDeletemakiko: tq dear... tq for the wish and i wish i can win this contest.. and tq again.. XOXO~!
kak farina: amin. doa-doakan ya kak.. err... kakak.. riot tu apa ? hahahahahaha... xpe jnji abg rosli best... leh shooting-shooting... ngee~!
niceee....gud luck:)
ReplyDeletetq luvia... gudluck to u too.. XOXO~!
ReplyDeletegud luck..=)
ReplyDeletegudluck to you too sayang... XOXO~!
ReplyDeletesuweeeet! all the best ye :-D
tq ezi... gud luck to u too..
ReplyDeletegud luck!
ReplyDeletesudah vote.. :)
voted yours.. kindly vote for me too...
its about love story. true love story.. LIKE me at scroll down your curser to no. 119.
thank you~
tq nyomel ku sayam... XOXO~!
ReplyDeletedarleen.. i vote for all contestant 163... insyaAllah ada rezeki boleh menang.. TQ for your votes babe.. XOXO~!
i dah vote!
ReplyDelete60's retro wedding..
nice dear~~
something yang different =)
Great ambitions for a glorious wedding...bad english though. It'd be a waste if after all that glamour during your reception, and you began giving your speech....
ReplyDeleteLearn to speak proper English babe...It'll save your wedding...
sheiladzmi dearie... TQ sayang for your support... heart you.. XOXO~!
ReplyDeletethe anonymous... tq for your advice.. sgt menghargai.. will improve my bad English.. XOXO~!
chef d armor.... gud luck.. LIKE it.. XOXO~!
ReplyDeletesalam. good luck for your competition. if u need a catering services, do not hesitate to contact us at tq.
ReplyDeletesalam TIC... a bundle of TQ visiting me here. and tq for the wishes.. wish me luck.. XOXO~!
ReplyDeletegd luck dear....
ReplyDeleteayunni... TQ dear for your wish... doakan bersama k dear... XOXO~!
ReplyDeletenice story...may ur wish come true...n gud for me no 12....i dah vote tuk u....
ReplyDeletesweet je. especially bubbles part.
ReplyDeletegd luck.
comel nye theme wedding u ni....hope tercapai impian u...gud luck..btw i da vote u.. =D
ReplyDeleteI read yours before voting started.
ReplyDeleteNow I am here again, supporting fellow participants. Voted for you :)
Hope to see you reading mine (#40) and like them as well :)