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♥ Ceritera Kehidupan : Living Life All by Myself ♥

Hidup ini penuh dengan dugaan. Ada kala ceria, gembira, gelak ketawa dan ada kalanya penuh dengan duka, kecewa, dan linangan air mata... Apa yang aku rasa kala ini adalah secebis dari segala perjalanan hidupku takat ini... I will not discussing about it because yeah somebody else maybe having more than me what I experienced isn't as bad as what others have experienced more or less but for last 2010/2011 I think my life sucks. Totally ! If I still feel like tomorrow, I will still think life sucks but it's never as bad as I think it is now just how my attitude and act about it...

Dan hari ini kawan, aku tidak tahu apa lagi yang perlu aku buat... segala kelakuan dan keputusan aku semuanya serba tidak kena. because I didn't get my way to solve it, so life sucks.. I'm not stupid... I know how this world function well. most of it. yeah it's easy to said my life will suck if I want it, so everything depending on what I try to make it but, I like others always feel when something doesn't go the way I want it to [apa ayat mcm belacan lenyek ni. aah abaikan] then I will automatically think that life sucks! It natural feeling for me and maybe some of you... aku ada ramai kawan.. sahabat baik pun ada [tangan di bahu mata juling ke atas] really... my life was great... totally great.. well, so how come my life sucks? yea, yea, i know... i'm sooooooooo lucky... blah blah... yada yada yada... to have a home, education, and food... blah blah... but sometimes... entahlah... I know all the shit... something's missing... and i don't know what it is... i'm still searching... Bukan niat nak menagih simpati... u can keep it to urself... seriously... aku cume luahkan apa yang terbuku di hati.. ketidak puasan terhadap apa yang telah terjadi... bukan menyalahkan takdir... dan memang aku mengeluh sekarang ini.... kenapa harus sekarang !!! [oke penulis penaip sudah menggila sila berhati-hati] just continue your reading without barred.

Kekadang, I just want to tell my mind to "shut up, you think too much!" but my mind will never and can't shut up cuz it's just always alert.. (except when i'm dead, then it'll die)~ hahaha ~ Erm... yeah shit happens... but i can't simply spend my time thinking about the possibility that things could change to be better... if that thinking was so damn easy then my life would be PERFECT !... too PERFECT !!!... Shit happened... and I'm glad it happened... really... it open my eyes more than ever... it change my perspective... about life / love?... if i always live a selamba static life, ...i wouldn't learn anything... and it's a shamed i wasn't choose to see the reason of it... So my life now truly suck... n i try to live with it... end of story !!!

too bad we all live in a place called world.. world always unfair aite.. to say that our life is suck.. i rather say that all life's are suck.. every each of us experience our own ups n downs aite.. but what matter is how u cope it, how u deal wit it n how u express it.. there are sum who treasure the suckness of their life.. others don't.. so, juz pray that tomorow or days ahead would offer u the best.. coz we'll know, the best yet to come.. cherish life, love n time while we still have it.. neway, have a nice day..


  1. wow.. seriously i understand how u feel dear.. and it's ok to let go and luahkan ape yg terbuku di hati..

    sumtime nak amek bantal n jerit kuat2 kat bantal tu.. huhu..

    anyways, like u said, the best is yet to come.. ;)

  2. yeah... it's true renee... kadang kala rasa need sum space utk tenangkan fikiran.. but there have a sumthing stopped us to get a space that we need.. why ? because we care about others. always care.. so how bout ourself ? hurmm..


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